Puppy Prodigy Program

Educate - Enrich - Engage

Preparing for a puppy?

Download our free guide for new puppy parents!

You have big dreams for your little pup.

You want a deep and enduring connection with your dog.

You want to maximize their cognitive and social development


You want to give your puppy the best puppyhood possible.

...But you also want to to know why your precious bundle morphs into the Tasmanian Devil every night after dinner, and how to put a stop to it!

We totally get it.

We also know how critical the first 20 weeks are to neurological and emotional development.

The experiences your puppy has - or doesn't have - during these early weeks create a lasting impact on their neurological systems, behaviour and personality.

But you're in survival-mode. You're tired, you're stressed, and you're worried you're going to mess it up.

It's okay. We can help.

Our puppy education curriculum is modelled on the best practices of service dog schools for their puppies in training to maximize their development cognitively, socially, and physically.

We also know how to do it while keeping your sanity.

Whether you are hoping to raise a service dog, a fantastic family member, a nose-work champion or an agility competitor, our curriculum will give your puppy the groundwork they need.

Your dog could be extraordinary.

Do you want a regular dog? Call a regular trainer.

Do you want a prodigy? Reserve your spot today!


The dog confidently explores new places with their caregiver, checks their reaction to startling events for reassurance, and communicates needs clearly. They look for their caregiver if left with a stranger, bark or whine but don't panic, and quickly relax when the caregiver returns.

Associated behavior problems:



The dog clings to the caregiver and remains anxious, seeking physical contact when startled but staying stressed. They panic if left with a stranger, remain distressed after reunion, and may not communicate needs clearly or engage in persistent attention-seeking.

Associated behavior problems:

Aggression or fear toward strangers, separation anxiety disorder, negative

attention-seeking, destructiveness, reactivity.


The dog avoids eye contact with the caregiver, may dodge away when reached for, and doesn't seek closeness when startled or confused. They respond minimally to their caregiver's return, don't differentiate between strangers and the caregiver, and try to meet their own needs directly.

Associated behavior problems:

Aggression toward caregivers, ignoring caregiver, "stubbornness", avoids being leashed, rebellious behaviour, reactivity.

Puppy Prodigy Package

If you want a dog who can answer simple questions, find your misplaced phone, put their toys away, and carry their own poop bag to the garbage... You'll want to click the sign up button and get started right away!


  • 8 weeks

  • 8 hours of private one-on-one coaching

  • Hands-on help from a dog behavior expert

  • Empathetic and science-informed interpretations of your dog's behaviour .

  • Ensure your love is communicated clearly to your dog

  • Help your dog understand what you expect and would like from them

  • Get to the root cause of problems with leash walking, recall, barking, and destructive behaviour.

  • Connect online and in-person with a community of like-minded dog guardians who want the absolute best for their dog.

Puppy Prodigy Package

If you want a dog who can answer simple questions, find your misplaced phone, put their toys away, and carry their own poop bag to the garbage... You'll want to click the sign up button and get started right away!

$1200 (or two payments of $650) for first 8 weeks


$299 /month for 2 follow-up sessions monthly.

  • Private sessions

  • Force-Free

  • Neurodevelopmental Enrichment.

  • Sensory Integration.

  • Social Learning.

  • Modeling Appropriate Behaviour.

  • Secure Attachment to Caregiver.

  • Montessori-Style Curriculum.

  • Enhanced Language Development.

  • Canine Ethology and Body Language.

  • Managing behavior such as potty-training/nipping/jumping

  • Teaching fun tricks like putting toys away

  • Teaching puppy to communicate clearly

  • Online community of like-minded puppy parents

  • Fun meet ups in the Lower Mainland with other dog parents

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are your rates?

This private one-on-one program is $1200 for two months, or $650 per month with a minimum two month commitment. You will meet with your trainer once a week, sometimes at home and other times on "field trips" to parks and pet friendly stores. Your trainer is available for text advice, so communicate freely! We love getting updates from our clients. You are also welcome at fun-meets and one-time workshops.

Clients who have completed the foundational two months may continue working with us to continue their dog's progress at monthly rates of $279 for two sessions a month. or $399 for three sessions a month.

Can I do the program online?

Yes, you can do our program online. In that case, though we usually recommend booking two video or phone appointments a week instead of one in-person meet up.

Where are Sit, Down, Stay and Come??

Think of the dogs you've known who knew those words. Can you even think of any who didn't know those words? And yet, did they actually obey them? Were the words actually useful? Our goal is help your dog be responsive to you, listen to you, and work with you. Can you then dictate body positions? Sure, if you want, but we find things like "wait here", "put your toys away, please," and "follow me!" to be more useful in day-to-day life. Plus, your dog will learn to read the room and match their mood to the mood of the humans around them. No more crazy excited dogs ruining a family wake!

Can you teach my puppy to use talking buttons?

Yes! We are passionate about communicating with dogs and giving them the opportunity to communicate back. Talking buttons are a fun addition, though they certainly shouldn't be the ONLY way your dog has to talk to you. W

e also want to teach ways that don't require communication boards or batteries.

Can you help me train my puppy to be a service dog?

Service dog training starts at birth in most accredited service dog charities. If you are hoping that your dog will become a service dog some day, it's crucial to start the day puppy comes home. We can help you raise your puppy like a future service dog, to give you the best possible chance of success.

Isn't this a load of nonsense? Dogs aren't children. They're dogs.

Young dogs are children. They are child versions of dogs. We believe dogs are DOGS, not small humans, and accepting their doggyness is an important part of our curriculum.

However, it is vital to understand that the neural structure of the canine brain is very close to that of humans. We have discovered through MRIs that they process words in the same part of their brain that we do. We have learned that they process vision in the same place that we do. When a dog sees their owner, their brain responds the same as a human's does when they see a loved one.

Dogs have the cognitive capacity of a human three year old, which is quite smart, really. You'd be astounded at what they can learn to do. when you treat them like the sapient creatures that they are.

Bet you can't teach puppies to read, though!Footer - Mobile

Bet you we can. Not Tolstoy or anything, but dogs are capable of recognizing and responding to written words on flash cards and signs.

We work on land which was taken from the nations who had lived here for thousands of years. They are still here and they are still waiting patiently for us to stop being jerks about it.

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