Service Dog Training Skills

Service Dog Training Level I

Train With Confidence. Train Like A Pro.

Teach your dog key skills the way the pros do - learn the techniques used by top service dog schools.

Manage public access issues with confidence.

Learn the difference between pet training and service dog training.

Develop a teamwork mindset

instead of "do as I cue".

Are you training your own service dog or hoping to train service dogs someday?

Many amateurs make the mistake of thinking that they can transfer pet dog training skills to service dog training.


Get ready to un-learn everything.

DON'T make the mistake of learning from pet dog trainers or amateurs on YouTube.

Effective service dog training is very different from pet dog training. It relies on the dog thinking for themselves and making decisions independently, not obeying orders.

Rather than just using behaviorism, we escalate to social learning, bond-based practices and cognitive psychology.

This program takes you through a team-training process that will bond you and your dog closer and give you the insights you need to teach them at a professional level.

Teaching a potential service dog can be joyful and fun for you and the dog. You just need to know the right way to do it.


The dog confidently explores new places with their caregiver, checks their reaction to startling events for reassurance, and communicates needs clearly. They look for their caregiver if left with a stranger, bark or whine but don't panic, and quickly relax when the caregiver returns.

Associated behavior problems:



The dog clings to the caregiver and remains anxious, seeking physical contact when startled but staying stressed. They panic if left with a stranger, remain distressed after reunion, and may not communicate needs clearly or engage in persistent attention-seeking.

Associated behavior problems:

Aggression or fear toward strangers, separation anxiety disorder, negative

attention-seeking, destructiveness, reactivity.


The dog avoids eye contact with the caregiver, may dodge away when reached for, and doesn't seek closeness when startled or confused. They respond minimally to their caregiver's return, don't differentiate between strangers and the caregiver, and try to meet their own needs directly.

Associated behavior problems:

Aggression toward caregivers, ignoring caregiver, "stubbornness", avoids being leashed, rebellious behaviour, reactivity.

Service Dog Training Skills

Learn the secrets to successful service dog training in two months with this on-demand team-training video course!


or $70/week for 8 weeks

  • 8 weeks

  • Two subtitled videos a week available on-demand with accompanying PDF download.

  • Handle the leash and treats like a professional.

  • Learn crucial differences in training a service dog rather than a pet dog.

  • Develop vital public etiquette including:

    1. Impeccable leash manners.

    2. Ignoring distractions like food on the floor or people who pet them.

    3. Lying down and remaining quiet in busy places for long periods of time.

    4. Staying out of the way in crowded places.

  • Learn how to teach your dog to assist you.

  • Over 20 hours of content

  • Graduation Quiz

Trainer Foundations


Go from newbie to knowledgeable in just two months with this live online team training course!

  • 8 weeks

  • 8 hours of private one-on-one coaching

  • Hands-on help from a dog behavior expert

  • Empathetic and science-informed interpretations of your dog's behaviour .

  • Ensure your love is communicated clearly to your dog

  • Help your dog understand what you expect and would like from them

  • Get to the root cause of problems with leash walking, recall, barking, and destructive behaviour.

  • Connect online and in-person with a community of like-minded dog guardians who want the absolute best for their dog.


Still want to know more?

Look at FAQ below.

Is this program for me?

If you want to train service dogs, or your own dog, this is the course you need.

If you are interested in raising and training your dog as a service dog, or pursuing certification for your dog, this course is invaluable for you. Don't muck around with Youtube videos giving conflicting advice most of which is based on pet dog training "do as I cue" and thus counterproductive. Instead learn the teamwork mindset from a professional so you can work with your dog like a professional.

This course is NOT for you if you are looking for an easy way to get around strata regulations or dog-hating landlords, or if you want the dog to be completely raised and trained by someone else.

Note: This course is a pre-requisite for entering our Service Dog Certification Prep program. We require all service dog program applicants to demonstrate that they understand how to communicate with their dog and teach them in a teamwork mindset, as opposed to "do as I cue". They must be able to demonstrate that they have taught their dog foundations basics such as loose leash heel toward a distraction and asking their dog yes/no and choice based questions.

What do I need to do this course?

To access the course you will need an internet connection and either a computer or smart phone. You will be given access to a password protected online course area where you can view the recordings, notes, and handouts.

Does this include in-person coaching sessions?

You are welcome and encouraged to contact the trainer with questions and to submit videos for feedback - written help is included in the cost of the course. You can also book private one-on-one time at additional cost. You may also book an in-person assessment and training session to see if your dog has the right temperament and to get detailed help and feedback.

How old should my dog be?

Training starts the day your dog comes home, but since this program doesn't cover puppy behaviors such as nipping, or puppy-specific training such as potty training, so we recommend that you work with a puppy trainer or take our puppy prodigy program in combination with this course.

What if I don't have my dog yet?

Sometimes it's best to practice before you teach. You can always practice with another dog - the skills will be with you forever and you'll be even better prepared when the right dog comes home.

Will this course certify my dog as a service dog?

We can not certify your dog .

Our program will teach you key skills that you need to get to that point. These foundational skills are so vital that clients of ours who do not master them cannot raise their dog to certification standard. 

This course is a pre-requisite for those hoping to enter our advanced Service Dog Certification Program, which requires that you have the foundational skills AND that you have the right dog who has what it takes! Our Certification Program focuses on preparing clients with good service dog training skills for success with the provincial certification exam.

I'm training the dog for somebody else. Can I still take this course?

Yes. Your training will benefit from this program. Professional charities train dogs for other people all the time! However, unless the end-user (the person with the disability) is eager and committed to learning these foundational techniques, the team is very unlikely to succeed. 

Even when charitable institutions place fully trained dogs with clients, the clients are put through a crash course "team training" to help them develop these vital skills. So please encourage the disabled person to engage with the content and learn the skills along with you. 

I'm not sure if my dog has what it takes to be a service dog. Should I take this program?

If you're struggling with your dog, or unsure if your dog really wants this job, then this is the ideal program for you. It will help you sort out which of the problems stem from miscommunications or clumsy training, and which stem from the dog's base personality/temperament.

Got more questions?

Give us a howl!

We work on land which was taken from the nations who had lived here for thousands of years. They are still here and they are still waiting patiently for us to stop being jerks about it.

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